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(1)增加有机肥bai的施用,提高肥效化肥与有机肥的联合使用,每公斤纯氮可提高小麦产量2 ~ 3公斤。虽然有很多高产麦田单独使用化肥,但由于化肥的过度使用,经济效益较低,而且容易造成土壤硬化,理化性质恶化。只有添加有机肥,加快土壤肥力,同时施用等量化肥,才能大幅度提高小麦产量。(2)平衡配方施肥氮、磷、钾必须组合施用。在稳定施用氮肥的基础上,适当增加磷肥和钾肥。合理均衡施肥,保证追肥和基肥的适宜,根据不同土质确定基肥和追肥的施用比例。一般砂壤土与轻壤土麦田的施用量比例为3:7;中壤土与重壤土麦田的施用量比例为4:6;轻黏土和重黏土的施用量比为5:5。同时,注意各种微量元素的应用。 (3) Determine the best fertilization method according to different production levels In low-yield wheat fields, a simple fertilization method of applying plantar fertilizer once can be used. For high-yield wheat fields, the best fertilization time is the jointing period. High-yield wheat fields generally do not chase back green manure, because increased application of green manure will cause the population to be too large and fall down. However, the top-dressing of high-yield wheat fields should not be too much or too late, in order to prevent greed and late maturing. (4) The effect of spraying fertilizer on leaves is good Foliar spray can be applied at the booting stage of wheat. Use 150 grams of urea and 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu with 60 grams of water in a sunny and windless afternoon. (5) Adopt different fertilization schemes for different wheat fields: ① High- and middle-yield wheat fields: High-yield wheat fields have high soil fertility levels and good production conditions. The input of nitrogen fertilizer is too large, but the input of potassium fertilizer is relatively insufficient. In fertilization, the input of organic fertilizer should be increased, and the straw returning to the field should be fully implemented. According to the principles of nitrogen control, phosphorus stabilization, potassium increase, and micro-replenishment, high-yield wheat fields (above 500 kg/mu) should be applied with 4 cubic meters of organic fertilizer and pure nitrogen ( N) 14~17 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 8~10 kg, potassium (K2O) 8~10 kg; phosphate fertilizer is applied at the same time, nitrogen fertilizer is applied at the bottom of 30%, 60% topdressing at jointing stage, 10% of wheat booting Topdressing at the jointing stage, 70% bottom application of potassium fertilizer and 30% topdressing at the jointing stage. Apply organic fertilizer 3.5 cubic meters per mu, pure nitrogen (N) 12-15 kilograms, phosphorus (P2O5) 7-8 kilograms, potassium (K2O) 5-8 kilograms per mu; fertilization method is 40% bottom application of nitrogen fertilizer, 60% of jointing stage Topdressing, 70% bottom application of potassium fertilizer, 30% topdressing at jointing stage, and bottom application of phosphate fertilizer once. For the application of micro-fertilizer, zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate can be used to dress seeds, with 2 to 4 grams of fertilizer per kilogram of seeds. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed in the middle and late stages of wheat growth to increase the thousand-grain weight of wheat. ②Late sowing wheat field: In the late sowing wheat field, due to the late stubble, the delay after sowing and the insufficient accumulated temperature before winter, heavy fertilizer is required to promote seedlings to achieve the purpose of strong seedlings before winter and rapid transformation in spring. Apply organic fertilizer more than 3 cubic meters, pure nitrogen (N) 14-15 kilograms, potassium (K2O) 6-7 kilograms, phosphorus (P2O5) 8-9 kilograms per mu for high-yield fields; apply organic fertilizer more than three cubic meters per mu, pure nitrogen (N) ) 12-14 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 6-7 kg, potassium (K2O) 5-6 kg. Fertilization methods are 40%-50% nitrogen fertilizer applied at the bottom, 60%-50% topdressing at the jointing stage, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied at the same time. Targeted foliar spraying of multiple micro-fertilizers in the middle and late stages. In addition, in the wheat-cotton intercropping area, the potassium consumption can be increased appropriately.